Australia’s leading live music discovery platform helping music fans discover and buy concert tickets.
There is no current concert aggregator that helps people discover, plan, and buy concert tickets in an efficient straight through process. It’s a disconnected and hassle fuelled process with different entities solving their own niche problems with little connectivity.
There is no brand that is effectively dedicated to live music culture for younger audiences and there is no digital community or brand that truly represents the live music community.
A platform that helps music fans discover and purchase concert tickets.
The platform
This app has a total 75K registered fans, with its main feature being personalised concert alerts based on a fan’s music preferences. The app also helps fans set real-time reminders ahead of important presales, manage their concert calendars, and helps them efficiently invite friends to concerts. The app is driven by the most robust and comprehensive concert listing system in Australia, currently listing 6,000+ concerts across the country. We have strong brand presence in Australia among music fans via our app and also through our social media content strategy with over 150k+ engaged followers, and 500K+ impressions per month.
We have 75k registered live music fans on our free mobile apps, and large firms like Live Nation, TEG Live, Frontier Touring, and Festco pay us to reach these fans.
The team
We have two cofounders: Trishanth Chandrahasan and William Xue. Our wider team consist of live music fan themselves, affirming our strategy of “for us by us” servicing fans just like us. The cofounders have 25 years combined experience in developing and maintaining software for the financial services industry, providing solutions for top 4 banks and global life insurance companies. Now after 10 years following our passion in servicing music fans, with William at the helm of the product, and Trishanth leading marketing and brand, this synergy has resulted in one of the most recognised and useful brands in the music landscape in Australia. With the foundation we've built and an intimate understanding of live music fans, our team is best positioned to transform the live music discovery experience.